Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How Does Your Garden Grow?

My adventure into raised bed vegetable gardening is going very well.  All the hard work and expense of bringing in good, new soil is paying off.
With every rain, everything shoots up half an inch.  You can almost see them growing.
It has been fun to not only start most things from seed, but to also try many new vegetables I've never grown or eaten before.
I don't know about you, but I find great peace and joy in my gardens.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Adventure

Our Mother's Day was spent much differently this year.  My neighbor found two little orphaned raccoons on her front porch and asked me to take care of them as she was rushing out to work.
Poor babies were huddled in a corner by her garage door on top of each other for warmth.  We scooped them up and quickly gave them a box, and an old rug and towels for warmth and security.
When we got them, they were pretty far gone with a glazed look in their eyes, and I wasn't sure we could save themPer internet instructions, we first gave them Pedialyte to rehydrate them, and after just one feeding, they were showing more spunk.  By the second feeding of Pedialyte, they were taking it eagerly and by the third feeding, we were giving them a kitten milk replacement formula.
It didn't take them long to come out of hiding once they understood where the food source was and they would practically fight over the formula we were feeding from an eye dropper, anticipating our hands every movement.
We named them Ricky and Rascal.  This picture is of my daughter, Kate, with Ricky who bonded with her within a few hours of feeding.
Unfortunately, tomorrow we will be taking them to a local wildlife rescue center that will continue to raise them and then release them into the wild.  It will be hard to part with them, but it is definitely in their best interest since we have the new baby chicks and a dog who would definitely kill them if given the chance.
They definitely gave us a Mother's Day we will never forget and revived  memories of around the clock feedings. 
Linking with
The Farmhouse Porch for The Scoop
A Stroll Thru Life for Inspire Me Tuesday 
VMG206 for Brag About It Party

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Spring Comes Softly

Spring comes softly in so many pretty pastel colors.
A few Virginia Blue Bells that I cherish and love as they were given to me by a dear friend who passed away from leukemia.
 Sweet little violets that self seed and pop up everywhere in the spring.
Precious soft yellow primroses that I brought with me from Maryland when I moved here 24 years ago.  This is the last surviving plant after all these years.
Spring comes fragrantly to my yard in the form of lilac, wisteria and honeysuckle trees.  For a few weeks every spring, my yard smells like heaven.
 Sweet little pansies that I have finally gotten to grow for me after years of trying.
And a little cherub angel to make it feel a little more like heaven on earth. 
So thankful today for spring and all the wonders it brings to renew our souls. 
Wishing you a week full of spring wonders.