Sunday, March 3, 2013

Monday's Meanderings ~ A Rich Tapestry

If you've ever wanted to meander through the English countryside,  then you must stop by to visit
 Linda at A Rich Tapestry.
When Linda and her husband retired, they moved to Yorkshire,
in the north of England, to support their daughter by
 being available to look after their two grandchildren.
In their free time, they visit various parts of England, and
Linda is always posting about her journeys.
I love her photos and snippets of history and
feel like I am traveling along beside her. 
I feel like she is sharing with me England as I've
always imagined it would be.
 Linda is interested in public gardens and garden design, local history, architecture, and projects that encourage communities to appreciate their local heritage.
From rolling countryside . . . 

 to stone cottages and walls . . .
history and age abounds everywhere.
 England even has palm trees.  Who knew?
Linda's husband is Italian and they have a second home in the countryside of Italy, south of Rome, which they visit several times a year.  But for today ~ we're limiting our meanderings to England.  
I hope you've enjoyed our journey and will stop over to visit 
Linda in person and follow along on her jaunts around the English and Italian countryside. 
Linking with
 Mod Vintage Life for Mod Mix Monday
Little Red House for Mosaic Monday
The Dedicated House for Make it Pretty Monday
A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday  



  1. Oh My! What gorgeous pictures. I'm not familiar with Linda's blog, but I'll check it out. Thank you for introducing me to it. laurie

  2. I have been to England several times and I absoluty love it over there! Such a beautiful place and the people are delightful! I will definitely check out her blog...thanks for sharing it with us!

  3. I will be visiting England this June and hope to see scenes as lovely. Have a great week, off to visit Linda.

  4. How glorious! I've enjoyed every photo and just imagining myself being there! Sweet hugs!

  5. Just gorgeous! You have piqued my interest for certain.

  6. What a lovely meander to take. Linda lives in a beautiful part of the world!

  7. Wow...thank you so much for sharing these exquisite photos! Never been to Europe, but I can certainly see the appeal of such lovely, scenic countryside. Happy March~

  8. Lovely mosaic tour of Britain ~ great photography and lovely colors ^_^ ~ Thanks for the photo journey ^_^

  9. I loved the pictures of England very much, it was like I had a quick trip there!

  10. I am English and live in Michigan and so I really enjoy the pictures of home. I will be following

  11. This post is just gorgeous and reminds me so much of the rolling hills of East Tennessee where I was born and raised. Your blog is so inspirational, and my profile would read almost exactly like yours, except I have one son almost out of college, am an education secretary/dyslexia tutor and can't garden worth beans! lol! I am joining your blog and would be delighted if you would join mine!
    Laura at

  12. Everything around is just so gorgeous! Beautiful blooms and colors!


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