Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Longing for Green

It's been a cold and dreary March here in Ohio, leaving one to wonder if 
spring will ever escape winter's grip.
This is about as green as it gets in my yard right now.
Even though the weather has been chilly, I have been able to get a few things accomplished in the back yard.
I've been doing some reading and decided to take the space that was my vegetable 
garden and turn it into raised beds.
It's been a big and heavy project hauling wood and bags of soil and compost.  Bags of pea gravel are also being brought in to cover the new dividing pathways.
At least all the boxes are made.  I only need to get one box filled right now, 
so I can start planting the early crops like peas, spinach, and lettuce.  
The rest can be done in the next month or so after my back recovers. 
What excites me most is the good soil that will be in the boxes and how much better everything will/should grow.  I've mixed a combination of top soil, compost, 
manure, vermiculite and peat moss together to create the perfect growing medium.  
Now all I need to do is plant some seeds, pray it gets warmer, and wait for something green to sprout.
Linking with
Cozy Little House for Tweak it Tuesday
A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday 
Hope in Every Season for Homemaking Link Up 


  1. That looks lovely and although a lot of hard work has gone into making those raised beds it will be easier to manage. Looking forward to seeing your plants as they grow and bring pleasure.

  2. You've done a lot of hard work, but those beds will bring you many yummies and much beauty. Congrats on tackling such a big project!


  3. Can't wait to see the new garden. Hugs, Marty

  4. What an exciting project, even tho it looks like a lot of work! I would say you are well on your way to a great spring/summer reward!

  5. les travaux de jardinage ont commencés
    j' espère que le gel n' aura pas fait
    trop de perte dans les plantes
    d' ici 15 jours on pourra
    profiter un peu plus de soleil
    bonne journée
    edith (iris)

  6. Oh that's going to be awesome, Cindy!

    Let me know if when things start growing we need to do produce swaps- we seems to have different lucks each year.

    I just pray we have better luck with tomatoes this year - not sure if it was rabbits or deer or husband, but for two years now we've had bleh crops.

    Can't WAIT for warmth and sun to dry up all this cold yucky grey rainy weather!! Yesterday was AWFUL- we were supposed to have our windows put in but they cancelled due to sideways rain coming down...they are here today though and already it's looking nicer!

  7. I am amazed at the amount of hard work you have done. It will be a lovely vegetable garden and you know what you will be eating. You must be extremely physically strong to have accomplished all this. We're having a huge snow storm in Ottawa today. I really hope it's the last one of the year. It looks like Christmas eve out there.

  8. WOW!!!!!! This is AWESOME!!!! Oh how I wish I had enough sun to have this four square with a path that divides! Your back must really be sore because that is a huge project! I can not wait to see your garden grow! Wonderful work!

  9. Nice boxes made. Wonderful information for me.

    Custom Printed Bags

  10. oh my goodness Cindy, this is amazing! Could you come on over here to my place and do that? After your back heals up :)
    I can't wait to see the pics of everything growing like mad!
    sending hugs...

  11. You've made a good start and you'll be ready to plant soon! Happy Spring!

  12. I'd love to raised beds of veggies but the deer would feed on them daily! Still to cold to do much work out side in Michigan. Can't wait for spring. Thanks for stopping by, Laura


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