Monday, February 11, 2013

Unfinished Projects

Do you have projects you've started and have never finished for one reason or another? 
I found these fabrics and quilt pieces in the back of the armoir the other day.
I can't even remember when I started cutting out these quilt pieces, but it was a very long time ago. 
The fabrics are so beautiful and such soft spring colors, but they don't go with any of my rooms and to be honest, I wonder if I'll ever get around to finishing this quilt.
I think of all my unfinished projects, I am probably the biggest one of all.  Not sure I'll ever be done working on myself, but then what fun would life be if everything was perfect?
Linking with
Mod Vintage Life for Mod Mix Monday
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday's Treasures


  1. These are not "unfinished projects." They are "good intentions."

  2. My unfinished projects are due to increasingly poor eyesight. Your vintage
    fabrics with pastel shades and delicate patterns are so pretty.

  3. SOOOO true!!! I personally like the idea of unfinished projects! Like you said...if everything was perfectly done what would we do!!! Those fabrics are so beautiful!!!!

  4. Cindy, this is gorgeous fabric and I know there are a ton of women out there who would want it. Why don't you put it up for sale in your Etsy shop if you think you will never use it.

    As for perfection, it can be very stressful and takes the fun out of everything. I've accepted that I am not perfect. It's just something to work on everyday, as you say.

    So often, I have prevented myself from making something because I suspected it would not be perfect. Well, now, I just go ahead and do it. I made a little miniature bedroom chair Sunday for my dollhouse. It's not perfect but I love it. It's pale pink velour and I can't stop looking at it.


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