Monday, January 28, 2013

Longing for Spring

I can't seem to help it.  Ever since those few glorious 60-degree days this month, 
I can't get spring off my mind.
I feel like these pansies ~ with face to the sun, patiently waiting for warmer days.
image from here
The other day while walking the dog, I saw a few dandelions blooming ~ in the middle of January ~ brave souls.
 image via here
Oh well ~ now that the January thaw is past, it's time to hunker down for the next six weeks of winter.  Spring is just a few calendar pages away.  In the meantime ~ stay warm. 
Giving thanks today for 60 degree days in the middle of winter, cheerful pansies, and brave sun shiny yellow dandelions.

1 comment:

  1. It is supposed to be 60 on Wednesday. Are you still working? If you aren't you need to do something wonderful. The temps will drop again.


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