Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Linens and Lent

I bet you're wondering what linens and Lent have to do with each other.  Well ~ absolutely nothing.  Inspired by Brenda's posts a few days ago over at Cozy Little House about authenticity and blog parties and being yourself, I decided to post today about Lent and throw in some pictures of the pretty linens I found at Scott's last weekend.

So here we go with some authenticity ~ I attended my first Lenten service tonight.  I must admit until the last few weeks, I knew absolutely nothing about Lent and never understood it's meaning or purpose.  I didn't understand what giving up chocolate had to do with Easter or anything spiritual.  
I attend a very large non-denominational church that is made up of people from various church backgrounds and over 100 different cultures.  Last year they held their first Lenten service and it was packed to overflowing, so this year they held two services.

I was amazed at what I learned tonight ~ a little bit of Lenten history through the ages, but more importantly, what it means and how to apply it to my life today.

Our pastor talked about Lent as acknowledging our need for God and it being a sort of spiritual spring cleaning ~ getting rid of the accumulated clutter.  Now I could really relate to that in a material sense, but he focused on accumulated clutter as being things like passing judgment, habits, bitterness and our thoughts.  I could also relate to that and the need for a spiritual spring cleaning of my heart.

He talked about fasting or giving something up, not so much as self-denial, but as a way of "creating space for God" and asked challenging and probing questions such as, "what do I satisfy my thirsts with?"

I squirmed a little in my seat as it wasn't hard for me to see all the "things" I use to fill up my life instead of seeking more of God.

A part of me wished I had remained ignorant of the meaning of Lent, but another part was ready to embark on this 40-day journey of spiritual spring cleaning in preparation for Holy Week.

 I am glad I attended my first Lenten service tonight and to learn more of church tradition, but most importantly, to realize that every spring, Lent will be a reminder and  challenge to seek a closer walk with God.
Linking with
The Brambleberry Cottage for Time Travel Thursday


  1. This was a very important post.

    I pray you derive special meaning for this the Holiest of All Seasons.

    I pray for your spiritual, emotional and physical well being.

    Your post really touched my heart, Cindy.

    Take care.

  2. "spiritual spring cleaning." I've been born and raised Catholic and have never heard Lent referred to that way...I love it. The meaning so true and easily understood to apply to my own life. I'm glad you went and enjoyed the service. It reminds me just how much I miss those things...I think it's time to go back to my roots.

  3. I enjoyed your post very much! I read a lot of blogs and I am inspired by the creativity and artistry out there, as they are things that are important to me.

    But the bigger side of my life I would say, would be the religious/spiritual side and I haven't really featured that much at all on my own blog. Perhaps I will share more of that side in the future. You've inspired me. :-)

    Oh and around here, Lent is big. We love Lent. Sure, we have lots of things we give up and extra things we take on, but we love it and look forward to every Ash Wednesday.

    Thanks for sharing,

  4. Well said Cindy. I have never thought of Lent quite that way but I do like the interpretation! Thanks for posting this! Pretty vintage linen! Love the soft green color!~Hugs, Patti

  5. I'm really in the material, I also can relate to the need to clean the spirit, my heart spring. I like it, awesome blogging dude.


  6. It sounds like you derived a great deal from the service. I'm sure many of us could use some "spring cleaning".

  7. Our Priest said much the same thing at our Ash Wednesday Mass.
    There was a Church in Rockford that gave drive by ashes yesterday.
    It was refreshing to hear a little about Lent on a blog.
    Hope you have a good Lent.

  8. Spring is a great symbolic time for Lent don't you think? I like the idea of "making room" instead of the focus on doing without. I didn't recognize your blog! Nice changes. And your new linens are just darling! So springy. I have to tell you how wonderful it is to hear such complimentary comments from you. Feels real good to know you like what I do!

  9. I love your post, Cindy! I also went yesterday to Church for Ash Wednesday and received the ashes on my forehead. A reminder that I am dust and will return to dust. I love Lent. It's a special time for getting closer to the Lord and yes, for spring cleaning our soul! I love that concept of "spiritual spring cleaning". Thank you so much for this beautiful post!

  10. Very interesting! I am not really a religous person but think everyone could stand to do a little spring cleaning of the soul :o)

    PS. I am now following you on Google...hope you will follow me back :o)

  11. What a lovely post! I'm Catholic, and of course Lent is a very important season for us and has always been one of my favorites. Thank you for the beautiful photos and for taking the time to share your experience!


  12. Lovely post and beautiful images, thanks for stopping by:-) Hugs, Biljana

  13. So glad you shared your journey with us. I pray that you soon find that this is a lovely journey on which you've embarked. Prayers and blessings.. a wonderful post! xo marlis

  14. I love beautiful old linens like these and have some very similar to yours. Since childhood I have been giving up something for Lent every year.

  15. Hi - what a nice post! Stop by and see me at Home in Douglas - my most recent post is about Lent as well!

  16. Hello,
    I visited your blog today - I saw you on 'Ivy and Elephants.' Your blog is so pretty and sweet. I love all the pictures. While I was reading, I noticed that you are interested in Interior Design. My daughter also loves Intererior Design and has her degree in it. Me and my daughters started a blog, and we would love it if you could visit us and follow. I would enjoy coming back to visit with you. Your blog is so cheerful to me. I hope to hear from you, and have a sweet day.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  17. Cindy this was such a great lesson for me. I have always heard about lent but never really understood it's meaning. Now I know a lot more than I did before reading your post. Thank you for such a beautiful write.
    many hugs...


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