Monday, February 13, 2012

Button Love

I used to keep all my stray buttons in a single jar and 
then I saw this picture on Pinterest.

 So that started me thinking about sorting out my buttons and putting them on display so I could see them.  Only I didn't have any pretty pickle jars like this lady used.  I decided I still wanted to sort through them and collect jars as I could find them, so I grabbed the quickest thing I could find for sorting ~ an old and somewhat dirty muffin tin.

It was fun to sort them out by colors instead of them being all jumbled together in one jar.  But ~ I found that once I had them sorted out, I wanted to be able to see them and the muffin tin was too large for a shelf or a table.  I finally found them a nice resting place in a large flat basket that I keep on the bottom shelf of my hutch.

Here they are still handy and I can see their sweet splash of color every time I pass through the dining room.

All this sorting of buttons led to exploring the button possibilities and uses on Pinterest.  So ~ if you really want to see some very pretty pictures of buttons, check out my
button board on Pinterest and you will have button love too.
I wish I had more of the bright pretty colors, but if you've bought buttons lately, you know how pricey they are.  Several of the sources for the button pictures said they find the cutest buttons on clothing at yard sales for practically nothing, so that's where I'll be looking this spring.
Do you love buttons too?
Linking with
A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia  for Tuesday's Treasures


  1. That's a clever way to store your colourful buttons!

  2. Well, this is amazing! I was looking through my button jar to find 3 tiny buttons. It was taking so long that I thought I needed to get a system. So I found an old muffin tin and sorted in it. There you were doing the same thing! "Great minds" ha
    I like the way you are displaying yours. Such a unique idea!!! I just put mine in old salsa bottles.
    I will put your button on my blog when i locate it. Hugs, Maki

  3. I love buttons! Clever way to display them.

  4. I love buttons. They are such eye candy. I like your muffin display and am heading over to your Pinterest board to see your pins. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love buttons too. I sort my buttons in small vintage milk bottles. I have found some small wire crates to hold them in. I will check out your pintrest entries.

  6. How great your timing! I have a huge button collection--many were my grandmother's--and I've been thinking I need to do something with them. For one thing, I want to start letting our 4-year-old grandbaby play with them to count and sort, etc. Thanks for the idea of using the cupcake tin! What a cute post!

  7. I have been known to purchase an item of clothing from the thrift store just so I could remove its buttons! I find sorting them strangely satisfying.

  8. What a wonderful idea. Just this morning I was trying to find some blue buttons in my button jar. Took forever. Happy Valentines Day.

  9. Yes! I have jars of antique ones. I hadn't thought to separate them into colors...great idea!~Hugs, Patti

  10. Oh my goodness what a lot of beautiful buttons you have, also just love your blue bottles on the window sill in an earlier post.
    I hope you are keeping well, still reading your posts in my reader but apologies for not calling by to comment very often, time just seems to get swallowed up by real life!

  11. Such a cute idea, Cindy! Thank you for visiting us at Take Six!


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