Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Blue Day

There's a fine snow that has been falling all day.  Didn't
seem like much at first, but it's showing no signs of stopping and it's beginning to add up.

We've had very little snow this year, so there is no reason to complain about it, especially since I don't have to go out today.  I could really love snow if I never had to shovel or drive in it.
I just put these blue bottles on my window sill last week and I love how they look with the light shining through them.

This one I found a few weeks ago at Goodwill for only $1.

This sweet little one was a gift from my friend Mary over at Mary's Meanderings.  It really is a different shade of blue from the other two, but in this picture, they look quite similar.

As pretty as my blue bottles are, the real reason I'm having a blue day, is this mess.  You barely even notice the blue bottles in all this clutter.

Between trying to organize, projects, and just plain laziness, this is the state of my office right now.  Believe it or not, I really have been working in here, but it seems I've not made much progress.  And the couch ~ well, you can't even see the couch.  It really is under that pile of stuff.

This room gives me the blues and is in desperate need of organizing and decluttering.  Oh well ~ as Scarlett O'Hara would say, "Tomorrow is another day".
Linking with
Stuff and Nonsense for Friday's Unfolded
2805 for Potpourri Friday
Smiling Sally for Blue Monday



  1. Gorgeous! I love your blue glass,and your photos were so pretty.

  2. I love your blue bottles!! and.. I love the quote by Scarlett...:)

    I have a messy closet I am having difficulty tackling. So I can relate to your dilema.

    Happy week to you!


  3. You need to post your bottles for Blue Monday!

    This weather is enough to bring the blues to anyone. We drove in it earlier and a car slid right off the road in front of us.


    Good night for a roaring fire, some hot-right-out-of-the-oven cookies and a nice hot cuppa, and a good book.

  4. Hi, Cindy. I love your blue bottles, but I know what you mean that their beauty is being overshadowed by what you're facing. Our basement was a royal mess for way too long last year after we took the Christmas stuff down--all in bins, but still not organized. Even though I couldn't see it, it was driving me crazy, because somehow I knew that mess was lurking...I felt sooo much better when I finally got down there. So now, it's not pretty again, but I WILL get down there soon, because the good feeling was so much better than what I felt when the mess was there. Good luck getting started--you know that's all it takes--the first step, and you'll be on a roll. Post your "new" room when you get to it!! ~Zuni

  5. That was so fun seeing that blue little vase at your window!

    Sometimes things have to be disheveled before they look all pretty and organized.I am not sure when it goes from just disheveled to downright disasterly -I have several closets that have made the transition I am sure!

    I haven't forgotten about you friend. I have had a nasty something for 2 weeks now and didn't think you would like to hear a coughing hacking friend on the phone!!

    I am having a little giveaway over at my place and would love for you to come sign up-

    bee blessed

  6. I'm lovin your blue bottles and would love to have you link your post to Seasonal Sundays. You know, we all love it when it's organized but those projects take real time. I'm working on my basement and sometimes I think, am I ever making any progress? but then I realize I am. Baby steps, but in the right direction.

    Hope you'll join Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  7. I love the blue bottles on the window sill. And I love that you shared your less than perfect work area with us. Because it's REAL and I can relate! You're right - tomorrow is another day! No point in getting bent out of shape when we have a bit of mess or clutter - and that's the important message!

  8. Lovely blue glass! Thank you for sharing this fabulous post to Potpourri Friday!

  9. I love your blue glass.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  10. You found some very pretty, bright blue bottles. I think they really look nice with the outside as a back ground.

  11. OOOhhh,,,I too love blue bottles and enjoy hearing the stories about each one. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Those are beautiful!!! And, so cheap! What a great finds:)

    Visiting for Blue Monday! Here's mine-hope you can stop by:)

  13. I love all of the pretty blues bottles! We like so many of the same things! I'm going to put you in my list of favorites! Hugs! ♥


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