Monday, September 12, 2011

A Long Time

It's been a long time since I've posted ~ almost a month.  I've been struggling to
find the words for why I've been absent.  Some of the reason is just being way too 
busy and overwhelmed, and part of it was health reasons.  To keep it brief, 
I had some testing this summer that required me to be off some medications for
a long length of time. So often we take good health for granted, until it isn't there
anymore.  It is a continuing journey to find the right medication to treat the diagnosis
that was made with the testing, and I feel like I've been on a roller coaster ~ all summer long.  
I'm ready to get off the long ride and find my way back to normal, both 
physically and emotionally.
Anyways, along the way, I was able to squeak out a few pieces of furniture
makeovers and I'd like to share one with you.
This is how I found this piece at a yard sale earlier this summer.

It is a reproduction oak icebox and was in excellent condition.  I was thrilled
to find a piece of furniture that I could take directly into the store and not
have to do anything to it.  But ~ it seems oak is not so much in style
right now, and there it sat for over a month getting no attention.
So, I brought it home and gave it a makeover and here it is all dressed
up for fall.

It has nice hardware and distressed out very nicely.  I used the
Caromal Color texture paint Peppercorn on it and it made it look truly
old instead of being a reproduction piece.

I accessorized it with a fall bittersweet wreath from JoAnn Fabrics and a
candle holder and candle that were Goodwill finds.

Linking with 

A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia  for Tuesday's Treasures



  1. It looks good. I have an original one. It has been refinished but I wouldn't paint over it. Soon enough oak will be back.
    Are you going to the CL Fair. Sue and I are going on Saturday.
    I hope that you are okay.
    Also that it isn't too serious. Feel better.

  2. I totally love that box! Very cool. I am sorry you were not well over the summer. Hope you are finding your health back on the mend each day. Thanks for your sweet comment too!

  3. Love your makeover on this piece! And happy to see you back. Never feel bad for taking time you need - we'll be here whenever you return.
    xo Cathy

  4. Lovely to have you back in blogland, hope you health improves. Your makeover is an amazing transformation.

  5. That piece looks absolutely wonderful in the black. Just love it!

  6. I am speechless at your makeover. How beautiful! You did a great job...what made you decide to do it in black? I just love it! It was meant to be yours.

    On another note, I hope you are ok and that you can move on from all of this testing and make a recovery quickly. Health is so important and until we have a problem, we really do take it for granted. I had a breast cancer scare a couple of months ago and thankfully all the testing was ok, but it was scary. Take care of yourself.


  7. The box looks great! Hope you are feeling better soon.

  8. I like the new look SO much better! Great job! And best wishes on getting your life and health back!

  9. Everything is gorgeous!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Although I loved the look of the icebox in oak, the transformation is gorgeous!

  11. Wow! I love your makeover! It looks incredible, not even the same piece of furniture. I would be hard pressed to get rid of it now. lol.. I'm not sure what health issues you have, just sending lots of prayers and hugs your way hoping they find something for you to be on so you'll feel great!... hugs ~lynne~

  12. Hi Cindy.

    I'm sorry to hear you've had a rough go of it. Hopefully, the doctors will get the right combination of meds for you soon so you will be back up to par.

  13. Hope this finds you feeling much better. Finding the right meds makes all the difference in the world.
    Hoping that you have found what you need!

    Your piece looks so much better now in black.
    The brass nameplate and details really pop now!
    Great choice!

  14. Cindy the ice box looks so great with it's paint job! You have really got the knack for knowing what finishes and colors will look good on a piece!

    Oh I do hope your body will get back to some semblance of order. I know when I gave my days/weeks of not sleeping it takes me so long to feel like I half way get caught up- usually about the time it starts again.

    3 batches of jelly today along with 2 batches of zucchini bread for coffee and chat and hospice patients. Also have started a trying to straighten a horrendous junk drawer. I finally had to just leave it for a bit as all the little stuff was driving me batty trying to figure out what to do with it!

    bee blessed

  15. Cindy, I hope everything is ok with you and it all takes a positive turn. I have the exact ice box chest and it is sitting there looking at me in the basement getting ready to be painted. I bought it many years ago unfinished and then I stained it. It is a great storage piece. I love what you did with yours! You always have such vision of what you want to do with a piece!~Hugs, Patti

  16. I know exactly how you feel, I have been going through some health issues too and the worry takes all of the pleasure and fun out of doing things. Hope you are 100% soon.

    Your little cabinet is adorable and looks so pretty with the addion of the bouquet. Very nice.

  17. I'm sorry to hear about your health issues, hopefully you will being feeling a lot better soon. I'm glad you are well enough to escape just for a bit to show us this amazing transformation.

  18. Sorry to hear about your health related problems. Hope the doctors get you were you need to be. And your icebox is very cute - too bad it didn't sell au natural so you wouldn't have had to lift a finger for it.

  19. I m glad you transformed looks so beautiful. I hope you feel better soon..

  20. I'm sorry to hear about your health and pray you'll be feeling better soon!
    This is a wonderful makeover! I love it!
    Thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  21. Cindy, I hope everything is ok with you and it all takes a positive turn. I am speechless at your makeover. Your piece looks so much better now in black.

  22. I love your makeover and am so happy that you are beginning to feel better...take good care of yourself.
    Cheryl at My Sister's Cottage

  23. The icebox is way cool, love what you did to it.
    Sorry about your health issues, but here's hoping for a speedy recovery!

  24. Oh my gosh, do I love this! The black with the autumn colors is perfection!

    I'm your newest follower. :)

  25. Cindy, the ice box looks so great with it's paint job! You have really got the knack for knowing what finishes and colors will look good on a piece!
    I'm your newest follower.

  26. What a fabulous candle stand in your blog. It is Royal Albert "American Beauty". That pattern is eye catching. You displayed it wonderful with great photos. Thanks for sharing this pretty vignettes with us.


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