Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Ray of Hope

I'm so far behind on taking care of my gardens.  Parts of them are so
out of control, I may never get them back in shape this year.
This part of the garden next to the green house is a prime example
of the rampant chaos in my gardens.
Pulling all these weeds and thistles seems at times to be a hopeless
and endless battleBut in the midst of this jungle of weeds, I
found some of my hydrangeas blooming and I had to grab my
camera to capture this picture of beauty and hope.
I love the way they bloom in different colors all on the same bush.
Such delicate sweetness.
Beauty in the midst of endless weeds making all the work worthwhile.
Linking with
A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday


  1. So pretty. I've learned a lot about hydrangea this summer.

  2. What gorgeous blooms! Nature always amazes me. It seems that they have the will to live just like us. Your weed patch doesn't look that bad. Finding those beauties will take your mind off of it for a while. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am now following you.

  3. Your hydrangea looks so lovely. We are having a borrible heat wave and I have not gotten out to do gardening for a while and mine has turned into a jungle. HA! HA!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Thats for the nice comment. Your garden is wonderful.....that hydrangea is heavenly!!!

  5. Hydrangeas are my most favorite flowers. I cannot grow them here, so it is such a treat to see yours, Cindy! :)

  6. I cannot tell you how much I love hydrangeas I planted one once and it died...so sad, I now have no room to plant another. I need another flower bed and I want hydrangeas in it!! your yard is lovely even with abundant growth.

  7. Those blooms are beautiful! I know the feeling of an out of control garden...it is so funny how a garden can't be mastered...you try and you try but it is always going its own way!

  8. It will all still be there next year. You are one busy lady!

    Love the hydrangeas. One of my favorite flowers
    : )


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