Friday, June 3, 2011

The State of My Home

It seems like forever since I've had time to put together a post or
read any others.  I have missed not getting my daily dose of other blogs.
I've had a few complaints that I haven't blogged for awhile, so I 
thought I'd show you why.  I am up to my neck in furniture ~
trying to get some things done for the store.  The bench I showed
you in the last post, sold in 3 days and I can't turn around another
piece that fast.  So this is what my house looks like right now.

Wall to wall furniture isn't the way I choose to live normally, so it's
been a challenge for me to cope with this chaos.  I don't usually don't
work on furniture in the house, ~but between the constant rain, and now
the heat and humidity ~ I didn't have much choice.

Bags of down pillows waiting to be made pretty.  Maybe you can
tell by now I don't have a basement and I live in a very small house.
The garage isn't much better ~ furniture waiting it's turn for a makeover.

So ~ since it'll be a few more days until I have some decent pictures 
of furniture to show you, I thought I'd share my backyard gardens.
They are in chaos too from too much rain, too many weeds
and not enough time, but at least they are presentable.
This is my garden shed and greenhouse. It is also in much need
of repair with a roof that leaks, rotting wood, falling gutters, and a broken window,
but fortunately you can't tell that from these pictures.
My roses are at their peak right now and a beauty to behold.

Roses need no words to describe their beauty.

Pink roses have always been my favorites.

At least in my garden there is beauty and serenity ~ as long as
I don't look at all the weeds.

Linking with
How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday


  1. Your roses are so beautiful! Love the greenhouse! HPS...Marcia

  2. I so love pink roses too! Your garden shed/greenhouse is adorable! Happy Pink Saturday!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  3. You are going to have so much fun! Your garden and greenhouse are a sanctuary. I hope you post pictures as you get your creations done.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. Cindy, pass the window door I strolled with a flower in my hair from 'round the picket fence I stole, I sat upon a concrete bench to pull a pepple from my slipper and could smell the lush green of the morn rain and the honeysuckle overhead, an angel in the garden there prayed and blessed our garden, seeing the awesome beauty of this place no matter what repair, God restored you and me and I could stay here for'r. Blessings Terri

  5. Cindy I don't think I have ever seen pictures of your wonderful greenhouse/shed!! I love it- truly!! Your garden looks so full pretty- things are still a bit bare. I picked my first rose today and my cilantro from last year came back with extra vigor but most everything else is just getting started. We are warming up to summer so things should be filling out soon!

    Well it looks like you lull in not finding furniture has ended! You have found some great pieces and it's wonderful that things are flying out the door faster than you can get others ready for your booth. Just remember this is supposed to be fun not burdensome - please don't over do!

    Well camp starts tomorrow after a funeral we have for one of our hospice patients. It will be a very busy next couple of days!

    Have a great weekend

  6. What a beautiful garden you have. I love the roses
    Happy pink Saturday

  7. weeds can be beautiful too! o.k.....i am seriously envious of your garden it!!
    happy weekend,

  8. My roses are beautiful right now too! It is a great year for the roses! Cindy I love your shed and greenhouse! It is so lovely! I have to tell you that I think you have more furniture to redo than I do...I thought I had a lot! Mine is sitting in my garage too...rain and now hot weather and time makes it impossible to get to. Good luck to both of us!~Hugs, Patti

  9. What an enchanting garden! The little house is adorable, very, very charming. Your roses are especially pretty. I hope you can get all the work on the furniture finished so you can enjoy all of this beauty with ease.

  10. so glad to hear you're doing well at the store! i need to get up there soon and check things out!

  11. Your garden "shed" is incredibly beautiful. Who needs a house when you have that lovely retreat! Happy Pink Saturday! ~Marti

  12. My goodness you are one busy girl!

    I love your garden shed and greenhouse! Thanks for sharing your garden with us... it is lovely! (Weeds and all!) Just kidding, I didn't see any weeds!

  13. Your garden shed is so pretty...I could live doesnt look like a shed to me it looks like a cosy little cottage. Just love the roses cascading over the front.

  14. Your garden is gorgeous, Cindy. Remember to take a break and smell the roses. :o)

  15. Your garden is lovely! My house doesn't look much better inside! lol!

  16. Love your blog, love your house, love your photography, love your treasures, love your store & work, you do/did great work.

    I love seeing a new post from you.

    LOVE the nautical store space - I felt like I was in Nantucket! Grats on a job well done by both you and your sister.

    Can't wait to see more.

  17. Just move in to the beautiful shed. That is amazing!

  18. Hi. I'm your newest follower!. Glad your roses are at their peak. Mine are not even at the bloom stage.
    Weeds are being weeded out daily :). I can relate.
    Just favorited your etsy shop too. I look forward to following your projects. Come and visit if you have time. I'm having a giveaway if you want to join in on some vintage roses fun.
    Have a great week!
    ~ Julie


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