Tuesday, March 29, 2011

White on White

Sharing today some of the whites I've collected for my Open House.
Most of the items in these pictures came from Goodwill and 
were collected over time.  The two candlesticks were purchased at
an antique mall, but everything else is from my newest favorite store.
The pedestal birdhouse I posted about earlier this week and is
making it's appearance here again.

These sweet little teacups are white on white perfection and
I was planning on selling them with  a violet planted in them. 

Here is a closer look at the candlesticks and a small daisy 
arrangement I made.

And last is the stack of white dinner plates I'm collecting.  I was thinking
of either letting customers pick through them or packaging them up with
pretty ribbon in sets of four, each plate a different pattern.  I have always 
wanted to set a table of white dishes, all in different patterns.
If you were buying, would you prefer to pick your own or buy a pretty
packaged set?

Linking with 

Faded Charm for White Wednesday


  1. Your pictures are so beautiful! I love those sweet tea cups too. They would look so lovely with a violet in them. You are so creative!

    I hope everything goes wonderfully!

    Best wishes,

  2. of course, i love all the white....but i REALLY am lovin that blue wall color too!! so pretty.

  3. Gorgeous! The teacups are so beautiful. I just love that paint color in the background- so clean and cheery :) Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog- I appreciate them more than you know :)

  4. I LOVE all the white. I think most people would rather pick their own plates, but if they're reasonably priced probably wouldn't mind sets of 4. I think your idea of a pretty ribbon may help sell them, too. It just looks more finished and gifty, etc. Good luck!
    P.S. I just found your blog today and I've been drooling for oh, about 6 hours or so! I'm a follower, too.

  5. Just lovely. I collect candlesticks myself and those are so cute. Great find.

  6. I love your post! I think I'd like to pick my own plates but then again, being tied up with a pretty ribbon w/o being given the choice is fun too. LOL I just found your blog from WW and I'm drooling over here. Going to peek around!
    Happy WW

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love every single 'white' piece on your table, especially the teacups! Would love to know their price. I had six very similar, but am now down to two. :( One cracked this morning. One of my first posts was about my white cups. To answer your question about the plates, I personally would love to pick out my own. I am a new follower, looking forward to visiting again soon and exploring your blog!

  9. Hi Cindy!

    The teacups are very pretty. They will be gorgeous with a violet planted in them. I hate to make decisions so I would probably like the plates tied up with ribbon.

    Happy Wednesday! La

  10. Oh, what pretties! Love all your white! The teacups are gorgeous and I always fall for a birdhouse!


  11. Lovely vignette, I especially like the teacups!
    Stop by for a chance to win some vintage linen

  12. So Sweet ~ Love the Vignette...
    Thanks for Sharing


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