Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pears & Pinecones

More cleaning today ~ more shuffling things
around ~ more playing.
I bought these pretty pine cone ornaments
at Macy's the day after Christmas.  They are 
coated with tiny beads and gold glitter.

I couldn't quite bring myself to pack them away yet 
for next year, so I mixed them with artificial
pears and greenery. 

I tucked everything into a wood-slat basket for 
a wintry mix. 

Then I added a pine-scented candle for ambiance and  a 
luscious pine scent.  Bath & Body makes the best pine-scent
candle called "Fresh Balsam" ~ available only during
the Christmas season.

I love the detail on this little green plate I found at
Goodwill for $.59.

A winter vignette that will take me all the way
to spring.  I think by then, I'll finally be ready to
put away my pine cone ornaments.  Until then ~ I
intend to enjoy them and their little touch of glitter.

Linking with
The Tablescaper for "Seasonal Sundays"
Little Red House  for "Mosaic Monday"
Dittle Dattle for "Amaze Me Monday"


  1. Oh so pretty. Love your vignette. The pinecones are gorgeous with all of their glitter. Love it in the pretty box with the pears and the candle. Hugs, Marty

  2. I think it's lovely! You have all winter to use it too.

  3. Oh,. I like this very much! Lovely.

  4. Great Winterscape, Thanks for sharing.

  5. This vignette looks wonderful. Happy New Year! La

  6. This vignette looks so lovely. It would be a shame to put these pine cones away already.

  7. Great winter display! Looks seasonal for the winter weeks ahead.~Hugs, Patti

  8. I wouldn't be able to put them away yet either.
    I just purchased some beautiful ornaments and don't want to put them away still thinking about how I could use them all winter.
    Happpy 2011!

  9. They're beautiful! Makes a very pretty picture as well!
    Happy New Year!

  10. What a good idea to mix the Christmas Pine Cones in the Basket and enjoy them for a few more months. Your photos are wonderful as well. Nice for Mosaic Monday!

  11. Love your winter vignette. The pine cones are so pretty and wonderful find at Macys. I leave out some of the decorations through the month of January that have the winter feel. Cools me off! :D :D Happy New Year!

  12. How pretty. It's nice to have a small reminder now and again that we are still in winter, when everyone is so anxious to throw off the Christmas decorations and head full speed to Easter.

  13. The pine cones are nice. Those candles are half off right now at Bath and Body......saw them tonight.

  14. Really lovely! Your green plate was a great find!

  15. Beautiful mosaic. I love the pinecones!

  16. The pinecones are just the thing for winter decor and the smell of balsam devine. Really lovely photos.

  17. I love them too. Those are real cuties. I kept a few branches and pinecones out too.. Love your idea of mixing in the pears. Beautiful blog!

  18. Cindy,
    what beautiful arrangement! Very wintry indeed.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave such lovely note.I really appreciated.
    My best,

  19. Great arrangement. It's the perfect touch of winter and whimsy.

    Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  20. oh how lovely! i'm sure your beautiful arrangement will give you lots of joy throughout the winter!

  21. Fabulous arrangement!

    You "AMAZE ME"! Thank you for linking up to the "Amaze Me Monday" blog party!!


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