Saturday, November 6, 2010

Favorite Things

Favorite things from long ago . . . things
kept and cherished over the years.
A cross-stitch picture I did in 1986 of
Canadian geese flying in V-formation.  
So simple ~ so fall.

Over the years, I've used it, hung by itself and in
combination with other special things.

Another favorite thing is the cotton I picked (stole actually)
from a farmer's field while traveling home from
South Carolina more than 25 years ago.  

I have treasured it through the years because it is
unique to the South ~ part of it's culture ~ part of 
it' history. 

I'm linking up with Bargain Hunting with Laurie
for "A Few of My Favorite Things.


  1. Loved your Fall vignettes, full of Carolina charm.
    Thanks for stopping by NL (at the beach) today, Folly Island is a little further North of here I think, closer to Charleston than Savannah.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Oh my Goodness, you have really kept that cotton in great shape over the years! This reminds me of my Grandmother who actually picked cotton, and she took some to show us (kids) how it felt, the seeds made her fingers sore picking it over and over, but it's part of my heritage. I love what you did with it, displaying it proudly and beautifully as if it were a bouquet of flowers, very pretty, tami

  3. The Canada Geese are just starting to return here. Your cross-picture of them is beautiful!

    Kat :)

  4. Your cross stitch of the geese is so pretty, and you're right, it does add a lot of Fall to a vignette. I live in cotton growing country, and I love how you've displayed the cotton. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things Sat. laurie

  5. YOur cross stitch is so fabulous. ITs funny but just this morning we drove past our chessil beach and a huge flock of geese (brent geese I think) were flying and coming into feed as the tide was out. THanks for the wonderful comments on my blog and for following me. I am following you also. Hugs Sara

  6. Beautiful cross stitch! I am beginning to see formations of geese flying south for the winter. I also love the bowl of cotton in your display.

  7. What a very pretty vignette! Love the cross stitch!

  8. Hello to you! Thanks for leaving me a comment today. I love your photos. I just took some photos of a cotton field and didn't steal, I mean, take, I mean, borrow any. I think I have to go back and get some! I didn't know it would last that long.
    I love your header photos.

  9. I was traveling through Taylor, TX and saw fluffy white stuff all over both sides of the road. Cotton! I haven't seen that in years and it instantly took me back to my childhood.


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