Sunday, October 31, 2010

Midterm Mosaic

I'm linking today with Mary at
for Mosaic Monday.

My mosaic for this week is my midterm project
 for my Photoshop class last winter quarter.
We had to pick a "big idea" and create a
 mosaic with internet pictures to reflect our choice. 
The "big idea" I chose was emotions
We started with 40 different pictures put together in
mosaic form to represent that idea.
I no longer have a copy of the first stage of the
project, but step two was to start using the
techniques we were learning in class to blend the
pictures together.  Here is
my mosaic for step two.

           The mosaic represents the specific emotion of deep
 sorrow and depression, as I'm sure you can tell. 
My daughter was going through a very dark time in
her life and the pictures I chose 
represent her suffering and deep despair.

I was very pleased with my work and how it was
progressing, but my teacher was not as pleased with it
as I was. He prodded me to take it a step further
by blending the photos even more.  I was
reluctant to tamper with what I thought was a finished
work, but for a better
grade, I kept working on it.

Here is my finished work.

I will be forever grateful that he did not let me
settle with step two, because I love how
the finished project turned out.  


  1. Wow - one of these days I'm going to take some classes too.

  2. WOW! A true work of art. Well done!

  3. It's FANTASTIC! Wow, what a great piece you did! I'm in awe of your talent!

  4. Fantastic...the perfect description!!! I want to take that class...Photoshop is driving me crazy, I can't do anything with it!!!

  5. It certainly makes an impact. Good teacher to keep pushing.

  6. Good student to take his advice...

  7. What a difference! You have an amazing result, and yes it is good to have someone push you now and then, especially a teacher.

    My own daughter went through something similar. It was an extremely difficult time. One I hope to never repeat.

  8. wowza!!! love, love, love!! o.k....... i would love to learn how to do that!!

  9. Wow, you did wonderful. I like the first one but the second one is awesome. Great job! Thanks for the visit.

  10. Your mosaic and the other collage impresse me very much. You expressed very good the desperate feeling a youth can have when growing up and doesn't see a sense in life. For parents it is not easy this time of life.

  11. Very impressive! Good final project for stepping out of your comfort zone!

  12. What a beautiful work of art. Congratulations

  13. It's absolutely beautiful! What emotion and edge is displayed here. My youngest grown daughter went through a bout of depression a couple of years ago. The apple does not fall far from the tree. It has been a lifelong problem for me and other family members.

  14. For some odd reason, it's not allowing me to sign up to Follow you at this time. Probably a Google error. I will try again later.

  15. Wow! Photoshop can do amazing things! Your finished artwork is so outstanding!

    I hope you daughter is feeling better now.

  16. The mosaic is wonderful! I would love to take a class to learn new things like this. I've played with Picaso (or something) but haven't done any lately.

    I like the first mosaic best because you can see the designs better, but the second one probably is more creative! I really like both!

    (I'm a new follower too!)

  17. Awesome -- so well done. And, from the heart, I can tell!

  18. You did a splendid job !
    Such imagination and talent..

  19. This really shows your creativity. It's perfect!...Christine

  20. Both versions are wonderful! Thanks for sharing your talent at MM. :)

  21. Wonderful! I would LOVE to be able to do ANYTHING in photo shop and not just crop a picture! lol Clueless here!!

  22. All I can say is WOW! What a good teacher to motivate you to step it up and do something even better than what you thought you were finished with.

  23. I would love to know how to do things like that. I have PhotoShop and have "played around" with it a little. But I get frustrated not being able to make it do what I want. I'm a perfectionist, too, Cindy. ;)

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


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