Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Favorite Fabric

I just can't help it ~ this is my  favorite fabric of all time.
I first saw it on Sarah's House where she used it in the
farmhouse mudroom for the drapery and Roman shades.
The fabric is by P.Kaufmann and is called
Breeze Tapestry.
It's been over a year since I first saw the mudroom episode and I'm still crazy about this fabric. I even ordered myself a small sample piece so I could see it close up and personal, but try as I may, I couldn't think of a place to use
it in my own home. 
Then one day while shopping at Old Time Pottery, I came across a 5-yard remnant piece of the fabric at only $4/yd.  I snatched it up right away, justifying the purchase by telling myself I could make pillows to sell at the store ~ which I did. 
The pillows sold almost immediately so there must be a lot of other Sarah Richardson followers out there too. I had a wee bit of the fabric left and decided to make myself some lumbar pillows for my newly repainted dining room chairs.  This is how the fabric looks in my house.

It's a very bright and bold fabric that I'm not sure I could 
use myself as drapery.  In my small house, it might just blow me out of the room.

So far, I've only used it in these pillows, but I sure would like to find another way to incorporate the fabric into other parts of my living and dining room.  I love it's warm earthy colors and I never tire of looking at it.

I've been toying with the idea of making a slip cover for a living room chair, but for now, it's just an idea for the future when I have more time.  It might be too much in large doses.  What do you think?
Linking with
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays

Sunday, November 13, 2011

So Ready

Getting down to the last few pieces of furniture to refinish and then I can take a break.
So ready not to have an unfinished piece of furniture sitting in the middle of
my living room.  So ready to get my car back in the garage. So ready to work on
furniture for my house or do absolutely nothing if I choose to.  So ready to hibernate. 
Here are two things I transformed with Caromal Color paints.  As usual, I don't
have before pictures, but this desk was a dark wood that I painted sage green.

After distressing, I applied a coat of their toner, then a mixture of clear
and dark wax, and reapplied the original hardware.

My other transformation is this pair of Christmas trees.  I found them at Goodwill
after Christmas last year and promptly painted them a light green. I can't remember
what their original color was anymore.

  I nearly threw them away several times because I didn't like them green and didn't know what else to do with them.  I found my inspiration for them in these pine cone plates I picked up at a yard sale this summer.

So ~ over the green, I painted them off-white, distressed them and aged them
with a mixture of clear and dark wax.  They were originally headed off to the
store along with the plates and desk, but I think I'm going to keep them.  They
are really starting to grow on me.
I love the mixture of textures in this vignette and the quite colors of off-white and brown.

I don't usually keep the things I buy and refinish no matter how much I like them.
But ~ when I get time this winter to refinish my hutch for the dining room, I
thought they would make a nice Christmas decoration to go with my
brown transfer ware collection.  If only I had time to get my own hutch done
before Christmas, but that is not likely.

Linking with
Dittle Dattle for Amaze Me Monday
Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday
Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
The House in the Roses for Show Off Your Cottage Monday
A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Fall Table

I started playing around the other day with my odds and ends pieces of two
separate sets of brown transfer ware and set myself a fall table for two.
It's not a totally practical table, but then I was just having fun.
I started with my foundation plates that I use in the fall and the
only name I can find on the back of them is Karidesign.

Next up is a rust-colored transfer ware pattern called "Athol" by Mellor Taylor & Company.

The top plate is the "Stafford Stage"  pattern by J & G Meakin.

For the tea cup and saucer, I mixed the patterns.

I used some pretty faux fall leaves to dress up the table and set the mood.

My centerpiece are some unusual gourds that I arranged in a vintage tin
nestled in yard moss.  I found them at a flea market and wish I could
remember what they are called.  I thought they were very unusual and
uniquely pretty.

I love this pretty little butter dish.

Linking with
Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday 
French Country Cottage  for Feather Your Nest Friday
Stuff and Nonsense for Fridays Unfolded


Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Favorite Piece

Sometimes when you find a piece of furniture at a yard sale or flea market
you know it's going to be a beauty when refinished.  But sometimes they take
you totally by surprise ~ this is one of those cases ~ this is my favorite piece
I've ever refinished, and the hardest to part with.
I actually remembered to take a few before pictures so you can see the transformation.

Usually I can just paint over the wood, but this time it was marked and
discolored, so I started with two coats of Caromal Color Reclaim paint 
in the color Mocha to get a consistent undercoat for distressing.

Look at this lovely detail.

Over the Mocha paint, I applied two to three coats of Reclaim paint
in the Off-White color, distressed the piece and then finished it off
with a mixture of clear and dark brown wax.

I forgot to mention I finished the lovely piece sitting on the top of the dresser
to match, so that they could be grouped together if the buyer so desires.

A  couple pillows I made to display with the dresser and complete the
brown and off-white color theme.

I bought this sweet dresser over the summer at a nearby yard sale
from a lady named Janet, who said it belonged to her grandmother.
When I told her I had finished it and it was on it's way to the store, she said
her Grandmother would be pleased.  I'm glad it will find a home
with another family and live a whole new life for many years to come.
Do you ever wonder what stories an old piece of furniture would tell
if it could talk?
Linking with

Little Red House for Mosaic Monday
Dittle Dattle for Amaze Me Monday
Boogie Board Cottage for Masterpiece Monday
Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
The House in the Roses for Show Off Your Cottage Monday

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A New Roof

Last year some branches fell off a dead tree and put a hole in the roof of my green house.
Then, last November, the tree trimmers came to take the dead tree down and put a
few more holes in the roof.  Of course it wasn't very hard to do since it was one of
those corrugated plastic roofs.  After being exposed to the elements for a year, 
I finally got around to putting on a new roof in late September.  It was one of those
jobs you know you just can't put off any longer and must be done before winter.
So, to entertain you ~ here is my greenhouse before, during and after.
Here it was this summer.  You really can't see the damage, but if you look
closely, you can see some sheets of plywood that I tried to lay over the holes to keep the
rain out and the side gutter hanging loose.

Here it is in progress.  I have already replaced and painted the fascia board and have 
taken down the soffit for cleaning.  That's the part you see hanging there.

Here's the old roofing, gutters and plywood that you can see I threw off the roof 
and so neatly stacked for discard on trash day.

The greenhouse without it's roof.  The gutter you see there laying on the shed roof
is always particularly fun to clean out because the resident raccoon thinks it
is his personal toilet.

And ~ the new roof from the inside looking out.

Then came the job of washing up the plastic soffit and gutters before they could 
be put back up.

It took three days for me to do all of this because I'm not particularly fast
when it comes to carpentry work and I had to wait for a period of time
when there would be no rain.
Next, came the job of cleaning out the greenhouse, which was full of odds and
ends and was extremely dirty from being exposed to the elements.
Here's the mess waiting to be cleaned up.

And how about this mess?  Dirt, cobwebs, spiders, and dog poop.

Well, there was only so much of that mess that I could handle at a time,
so I tried to work in there about an hour every evening until I got it 
all cleaned up.  I started in one corner and worked my way around the room.

Finally done, woodwork cleaned, windows washed, and everything neatly stacked.

The last of the leggy annuals tucked in with the crotons.

Did I mention there are French doors between the greenhouse and shed?
Sometimes I wish those French doors were in my house instead so I could
enjoy them more ~ but they do add a nice touch out here.

It's not something I consciously do, but over the years I have picked up
bells that I like to hang on my door handles.

Well, the inside is all clean and the windows sparkle again allowing 
a view of the outside gardens.

And so we've come full turn with winter close on our heels and all I
have yet to do is rake the leaves and put the gardens to bed.

And ~ find someone to trap the resident raccoon and move him out to the country.

Linking with

A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesdays
Handy Man, Crafty Woman for Wicked Awesome Wednesday
Restore Interiors for Restored it Wednesday
Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday