Monday, January 31, 2011

I Just Couldn't Help Myself

What's a woman to do when you're standing in line at the grocery
store and these daffodils on clearance are staring you down?

At first, I just leaned over to smell them, and then stepped back
in line.  But ~ they kept calling my name.
Besides ~ there's a nasty snow and ice storm coming in tonight
and I needed a little "fix" to get me through the next
onslaught of nasty weather.

So ~ with my daffodils in one hand and a bag of Hershey's kisses
in the other, I went through the self check-out line.
Now I know you're laughing at me, but over the weekend while
I was out, my daughter's dog somehow got up on my desk
and ate half my stash of kisses.  

  While everyone else is stocking up before the storm on the necessities of milk 
and bread, I'm buying flowers and candy.  A person has to do what they 
need to survive.  And oh yeah ~ the
dog is just fine ~ he has a stomach of steel.
But doesn't my desk look so much cheerier?

Isn't this yellow and white striped pitcher sweet?  I just
love it's cheerfulness.  It's not vintage and it's not handmade, so
I can't sell it in my Etsy shop, but it will go up for sale at
my next open house in May.  I found both the pitcher and bowl at
 Goodwill  on one of my treasure hunts and I love how they brighten
 my desk with sunshine.

I don't think I've ever had such a good time posting  pictures.
It's amazing how a splash of yellow can lift your spirits.

I hope they've lifted your spirits too!

I'm linking with
A Stroll Thru Life for Table Top Tuesday
Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday
Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures for Macro Party
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia for Tuesday's Treasures
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Beside Still Waters

I was on my way to my parents home the other night and
was taken with how much whiter everything is out in the country.
I think it's because it's more untouched by humans and snowplows.
I quickly pulled in at one of the state parks along the reservoir and
snapped a few pictures.

I know we've all seen enough of winter snow scenes and had our fill
of snow ~  including me.  Some even suffer from depression during
these long dark days with less sunlight.
As I was pondering my frustrations with winter and longing for spring,
I was reminded last night of Solomon's wise words from Ecclesiastes 3:1.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose."
Right then and there I realized in God's eyes, this
season is necessary and I made a decision to embrace winter
and enjoy its benefits.

For some of the animals, it is a time of hibernation.  As I
thought about this in terms of my life, I realized how instinctive
it is in winter to want to "snuggle down" in my home.  When I
finished my design classes in early December, all I did was sleep for 
several weeks and woke up just in time for Christmas.
Just like the snowy landscape, my body needed this rest after going
full speed for months on end.

All of nature, from the animals to plant life, take a break from reproducing.
They rest and survive from the reserves that they have stored up during the summer. 
We all live rushed and hectic lives and I must admit that I am a very
"driven" person.  My Mother is constantly telling me to "slow down", 
"you're getting older, and your body needs more rest".  Her words, "you're
going to ruin your health" constantly ring in my ears.  On this 
"Seasonal Sunday", I am going to embrace both the sabbath and the season,
and rest as God intended it to be.

And as all of nature slows down, I am going to give myself "permission"
to slow down, take a few more naps, read a few more books, visit 
with friends and simply give thanks for God's built-in sabbath.

And while I long for spring, I am going to look for the God-given beauty 
of winter and give thanks for this time He has appointed 
to restore my soul.

"He leadeth me beside the still waters.  He restoreth my soul."
Psalm 23: 2-3
Linking with
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Snowman Table

It seems the theme for January is snowmen and snowflakes
and at my house its really no different, especially at my table.

I found these jolly fellows hanging out at the thrift store back
in October for $.99 a plate and they're here today to
brighten my table with their smiles.
Each of the four plates is different, but I only used two of them
today for this tablescape since the other two are a little
more Christmasy.
My base dinner plate is white with raised dots around the rim and
was purchased this season at World Market.
Napkins were purchased at a thrift store for $.59 each and
the napkin rings are simply coordinating ribbon I found
at JoAnn Fabrics.  
My centerpiece is a simple dark blue candlestick holder with a
white candle and another piece of coordinating ribbon wrapped
around the center to tie everything together.
I love the contrast of the dark blue salad plates against the
stark white of the dinner plates, while the polka dots on
the ribbon and both plates completes the look.
Here are the other two plates that I did not use today.

Snowmen may represent the cold outdoors, but their 
child-like smiles warm hearts far and wide while 
harkening back to the simpler days of our youth.
Joining with Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday

Monday, January 24, 2011

Layering Up

With a great part of the country locked in the embrace of
extreme cold, we are all "layering up" to stay warm.
With that in mind, I wanted to carry that theme into my decor
today and do a little layering inside.
I found all three of these items at the Scott's Antique Market
this past weekend and while playing around with them, I did
a little "layering up".
My first layer is a 1936 "Old Cafe" pink Hocking depression
glass shallow candy dish. 


This vintage dish has a flared rim and little tab handles.

The second layer is a sweet little lace doily with
what looks to me like tulips and tiny tatted flowers
around the edges.  At least I'm pretending they are tulips
since I'm longing for spring. 

Next up is a darling candle holder with a little side handle.
It is the perfect shade of soft pink.

Lest you think I'm "pink crazy", it really is a rather recent
development, but I must admit, is steadily getting worse.

And last, but not least is a lovely strand of pearls.

Everyone knows that pearls are an absolute necessity

when "layering up".

Whatever keeps you warm or warms your heart is perfect
for layering.  With what and how are you "layering up" lately?

Joining Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday
Linda at Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
House of Grace for Twice Owned Tuesdays
Frou Frou Decor for Fabulous Friday Finds
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Fridays
Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
Southern In My Heart for Inspiration Friday
A Little Knick Knack for Everything But the Kitchen Sink
How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday
Debbiedoo's Newbie Party  

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Winner of My Thank You Giveaway

And the winner is ~ Chris of Nuffin Special.
Congratulations Chris and thank you all for participating.
I appreciate all of my followers and enjoy so
much visiting with you all on a day to day basis.
Your friendships have enriched my life more than I can ever
say or return.  Thanks for being you and sharing  your
rich lives with me.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Way too Cold

Burrrrrrrrr ~ it's way too cold ~ way too much snow.
It's -5 degrees this morning and try as I have,
I am officially done with winter and ready
for spring.

If it wasn't for the Scott's Antique Market being in town
this weekend, I would hibernate all day.  I'm off to deal with
my winter blues by going junking.  What's a girl to do?
Joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays
Little Red House for Mosaic Mondays

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Gifts of Age

I found this dear little bowl at an antique store
a few weeks ago and couldn't resist 
bringing it home with me.

 When I bought it, I thought it was brown transfer ware,
but now I don't think it is.  Regardless ~ it is old and has
been well used.  It is a vegetable bowl by Ridgways
Royal Semi Porcelain made in England and
the pattern is "Melville".

It has the sweetest delicate little daisies around the edges
 that cascade down the insides of the bowl.

Even the bowl's outside edges have daisies cascading 
down the sides.

What I didn't notice before is that it also has a nearly 
worn off gold stripe around the top edge.
It sets on the dining room hutch next to a rather old
mortar and pestle that my ex-husband made for me
many years ago.  It has always been special and always will be.

Some things are special because they were lovingly made for
you.  Some things are special because they are delicate and
need extra care and attention.  But I'm finding more
and more that I have a special appreciation for things just
because they are old.  Maybe it's because I wonder what stories 
they could tell.  Maybe it's because I'm getting older and 
finally appreciate the gifts that time and age
have to offer.

Linking with  
Frou Frou Decor for Fabulous Friday Finds
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday 
Southern In My Heart for Inspiration Friday
The House in the Roses for Show off Your Cottage Monday 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

White Makeover

I was taking pictures of this sweet little vanity for my Etsy Shop and
thought I would share it here with you all.  I actually refinished it last 
summer before I started blogging, therefore, there are no "before"
pictures, but there are several "in process" pictures.

When I found this vanity at a yard sale, the wood was dark and lacking 
personality.   All it needed was a little TLC.  

I took all the pieces apart in my back yard and primed 
it using my new paint sprayer. 

Even though my yard is not in the best shape here, that
grass sure looks nice and green right about now.

 Next, I sprayed it with two to three coats of Dove White

Benjamin Moore paint and put everything back together again.
To give it a little more personality, I applied two complimentary wood 
applique pieces to the drawer and added a wooden knob.

 I also lined the inside of the drawer with scrapbook  paper
to dress it up and give it a new, clean feel.

To cushion the seat a little more, I added an extra layer of thin foam and
polyester batting and then covered it with this soft pastel mint linen fabric.

 I think I'm jealous ~ her cabriole legs are more shapely than mine. 
Lastly, I lightly distressed everything to create the shabby look that I love. 
I'm hoping eventually some mother will fall in love with it and
give her daughter the perfect place to pamper herself.  I think
it needs a little girl to love it again.

Don't forget to check out my "Giveaway" here which
ends January 22nd.
Linking with Faded Charm for White Wednesday
Domestically Speaking for The Power of Paint Party
Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Dittle Dattle for Amaze Me Monday 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Where I Create

I found this sweet little container at Goodwill the other
day for only $.99 while I was out getting groceries.  I thought
it was to hold business cards and would look sweet in
my blue and white office. 

Well ~ when I got it home, I discovered that business cards were too large to fit, 
so I filled it with paper clips.

This little blue and white vignette sits on my office
desk where I do all my work and blogging.

This used to be my daughter's bedroom when
she was much younger, but after she moved upstairs,
I claimed it for my office.  I especially love this room
because it looks out onto the deck and back yard where I
most love to play.  A room with a view.

Behind the picket fence is my herb and vegetable garden,
now tucked snugly in under a blanket of snow.  Off to the left
and out of sight is my greenhouse and garden shed.
This picture was taken from inside, so sorry about the 
window pane going through the center of the picture and I 
don't know what that yellow blur is.
On the other side of my computer sits my cherished
lifeguard lamp.  This was purchased at a Lake
Erie gift shop for the lake house, but found it's home
on my desk instead.

I think I found a better use for my container than paper clips. 

Who doesn't need a wee bit of chocolate when they're blogging?

Please be sure to check out my "Thank You" giveaway by 
clicking here.  The giveaway is open to all followers ~ both
old and new followers are welcome to participate.
Joining Little Red House for Mosaic Monday
Dittle Dattle for Amaze Me Monday 
Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday
The House in the Roses for Show off Your Cottage Monday 
Smiling Sally for Blue Monday