Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Meet the Girls

I apologise in advance for the poor quality of these pictures.  They are under a red heat lamp for warmth and they are moving constantly, so it wasn't prime conditions for a photo shoot.  But never the less, here they are.
This is Sally and she is a Polish chicken.
 She has a mop head and when she is full grown, will have a crazy feather hair do. 
This is Wendy.  Not sure what kind of chick she is ~ we'll just have to wait and see how she turns out.
Here is Lucy Lu posing with Wendy.  She's also a Polish chick and sometimes I call her "Blondie" for obvious reasons.  Lucy Lu came to us by default as I returned a chick that was an aggressive bully and beating up on everyone, especially Sally.  I wasn't real crazy about her at first because I didn't want any of the fancy chickens, but she has quickly grown to be my favorite.  Her blond mop head makes me smile constantly.
In case you're wondering, they are posing on top of a big stuffed lop-eared bunny I gave them.  From the very first moment, they loved this bunny and snuggled with it.  Now they play "queen of the hill" and poop all over her.  Going to have to sneak her out of there for a trip through the washer and dryer.
Here in the center is Gertie.  She is one of our Australorp chicks and they are the sweetest of the girls.  Darling personality, friendly and inquisitive.  They will be totally black when full grown.
And here is Dolly ~ our other Australorp.  We can only tell them apart because Dolly's beak is mostly all black.
A few more pics to share with you.  They are a week or so old  at this point and getting more active every day.
Which one is your favorite?
And here is Moby who watches them endlessly.  Not sure what to do with him as he is completely and totally obsessed with them.  He doesn't even bother us when we eat anymore, nor does he seem much interested in his own food.  I wish this obsession was a show of protection, but my fear is that he'll never stop obsessing over them and I have no doubt he would gulp one down in a hot second.  
I think we have some interesting days ahead as they get more flighty.  We still have at least three more weeks of them in the house before they can move outside to the coop.  And then there is the other problem that the coop isn't anywhere near done yet.  I guess we'll just have to take it one day at a time.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Scripture Sunday ~ Whatsoever

Finally, brethren, 
whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest,
images via:
Sarah Raven 
Fine Art America 
whatsoever things are just,
images via:
Diary of a House Elf 
Ticking and Toile 
whatsoever things are pure,
Crooks and Nannies 
whatsoever things are lovely,
  images via:
All Things Shabby and Beautiful 

whatsoever things are of good report;
  images via:
Country Woman at Heart
Crooks and Nannies 
Pretty Little Flower 

if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Philippians 4:8
Linking with
The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays

Friday, April 19, 2013

While Away

I feel like I've been away from blogging for so long now, or at least very sporadically.  My yard, gardens, and chicken coop conversion have been keeping me 
very busy and very tired.
Here is a little progress on the first of the raised vegetable beds.
This garden is under netting because the squirrels keep digging things up.  The bed is 4 by 10 feet and is divided into square feet because I'm trying the "square foot gardening" method.  
Everything in this garden I planted from seed and it includes peas, three kinds of onions, radishes, five kinds of lettuce, swiss chard, nastursiums, cilantro, carrots, red beets, spinach, and kale.  These are all early cold weather plants which enjoy the cooler temps.
I feel like these seedlings are my little babies and I check on them several times a day.  It always amazes me how much they grow ~ especially after a rain.
The raised bed next to this one I have just planted with two kinds of cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and two kinds of parsley, with 13 squares left for several more types of vegetables.
In between the four raised beds, I placed a 3-tiered iron planter that I'm using to grow strawberries. 
  They have a ways to go before we'll be getting any berries, but it is fun to watch them grow since they came bare root and no leaves.
A few flowers blooming around the back yard add some much enjoyed color.
Our new chicks are coming on Tuesday, and although they'll have to live in the house for a month or longer, I've had to divert my attention from the gardens to the work of converting part of the green house into a chicken coop. That will keep me busier than the gardens, so I may not be around blogland much but will certainly share pictures of the chicks and visit you all as often as I can.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Happy Friday

So many reasons to be happy!
 images via:
The Culinary Life

It's finally Friday.
Tax returns are here for the spending.
 images via:
frk mayas loft
Inspiration Lane

The rain is turning everything green.  
It's Spring ~ at last.
images via:
casa abril 
Finding Neverland 
Have a very happy weekend!
Linking with
Common Ground for Be Inspired 

Monday, April 8, 2013


"April is a young world, new as the sunrise in which miracles can happen 
and do happen every day before sundown. 
images via:
Inspiration Lane 
Cyndy Lou 
Nothing is newer than an April morning, nothing more 
full of wonders than a bud or a seed.
 images via:
Inspiration Lane
Indigo Crossing 
April is an old world made new again, a tired, 
disillusioned world of frost and ice and 
snow made innocent once more . . . 

images via:
Follow the West Wind
  And in April, man is here only to see and listen and participate, not to manage or administer.  April doesn't need him; it tolerates him."
Twelve Moons of the Year ~ Hall Borland
 images via:
All we have to do now that the show has begun is  
stand back, observe, and wonder. 
 Inspiration Lane