Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Perfect Chicken

I've always wanted to keep a few chickens at my house and have been tinkering with the idea for several years now.  There are a few important obstacles in my way though.  First of all, I don't need one more thing to do, take care of, or feed.  Next is the issue of building a chicken coop.  There certainly are many pretty ones out there to stir the imagination.  Then, there are the wild critters that already live in my yard, like the possum who lives under my deck, and the raccoon that lives in the eaves of my garden shed.  And last, but not least are my own pets, who would torment them ~ most likely.  Beside my two cats, there is Moby, a miniature dachshund.

Now he may look innocent enough, but he tangles with the possum every chance he gets and loves to torment the cats.
This weekend, at The Rural Society Antique & Garden Show, I found the solution to my chicken cravings.
Wha~la.  The perfect chicken.

Saw this little lady and knew I just had to have her.  She was the answer to all my chicken dreams.

She was the perfect picture of weathered cement.

She looks so lovely resting by the rain barrel, but the best part is, I don't have to feed her or worry about her safety.
She's just perfect.
Linking with
Thrifty Decorating for Thrifty Thursdays
The Charm of Home  for Home Sweet Home


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Sweet Chandelier

I bought this sweet chandelier from my friend, Nancy, who had a booth space at The Rural Society Antique & Garden Show this past weekend.  I bought it to hang it out on my deck or screened-in porch for the summer.

But as you can see, it ended up outside where I usually hang a flowering basket.  I loved how it looks against the backdrop of all the lush greenery,  But the best part is ~ I don't have to water it or pamper it like I would a hanging basket, and I think it's just as pretty.
As you can see, it's missing a few parts and pieces, but it's shabby rustiness makes it perfect and a lovely garden decoration.

Love those little flowers where the screws hold it together.

I can see it from the house, from the gardens, from the deck and from the screened-in porch.  This view was taken from inside the screened-in porch looking at the opposite side of my yard.

I think this was the perfect place to hang it. 
Linking with  

Faded Charm for White Wednesday
A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday